
Young Musician 3   

For Continuing Student ONLY. For transfer students, please get in touch with the studio to schedule an audition. (預插班請與Miss Lina 聯絡)


課程將團體課/個別課程搭配並有2堂大師課, 提供更全面的學習.

  • Study music from different musical periods: Baroque, Classical, Romantic & Contemporary
  • Preparing for ABRSM grade 3 performance exam( invitation only)
  • Major and minor scales, arpeggios & broken chords, up to 3 sharps and flats
  • Study of major and minor scales ( 2 octaves) 
  • Study of three forms of the minor scale: natural, harmonic and melodic
  • Study of harmony & cadences 
  • Study of transposition
  • Study of simple & compound time signature
  • Study of piano techniques
  • Improvisation
  • Music analysis
  • Study of Piano Concerto
  • Ear Training: meter recognition, identifying changes in a musical phrase & features of a musical piece, listening for dynamics, articulation, form, and echo singing.
  • Practice Sight Reading
  • Music Theory

SESSION:  36 weeks (16 weeks of 90 mins group lesson, 18 weeks of 45 mins private lesson,  2 weeks of 60 mins master class 

STARTING DATE & TIME: Thursday, 8/29 @ 7PM

TUITION: $3000 ( Tuition paid in full before 8/8 to receive $200 discount.)

ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE: $50 (waived for continuing student)

MATERIAL FEE: Class will be notified when purchasing new material

LATE REGISTRATION: $20 dollars will be added to the tuition. 8/8 後報名者需加收$20費用


  • Tuition Paid in Full 一次繳清 $2800   (Tuition paid in full before 8/8 to receive $200 discount, 8/8 前一次繳清減免學費$200)
  • 3 Quarterly Installments 三期付款       
    • Aug 1: Tuition $1500
    • Nov 1: $750
    • Jan 1: $750

DEPOSIT: $250 Deposit ( Non-refundable ) to reserve the opening within 2 days after sign up. 訂金$250請於報名2日內繳交,以確保孩子的名額.


 Studio 假期: 

  Thanksgiving Week 感恩節周, Christmas 聖誕節 Last Two Weeks of December, Spring Break春假




30 N. 1st Ave,

Arcadia, CA 91006