
Music & Movement Class


Miss Lina 雙語教學帶領孩子與家長進入好玩的音樂世界, 在課堂中我們學習:

Song/Rhymes 歌唱詩詞

Playing with Instrument 樂器打擊

Rhythm Practice 培養節奏感

Story Time 故事時間

Movement 身體律動

Focused Listening 專注力聽力訓練

Imaginative Play 想像力小遊戲

Coordination 增進肌肉協調性

(每位孩子可享有一次體驗課,體驗課收費為 $20)

  We have been named a Top Program by Kindermsuik International! 


  • MONDAY 11-11:45AM (0-2.5歲寶寶班)
  • WEDNESDAY4:15-5:00 PM (0-5歲混齡班)
  • SATURDAY 10:30-11:15 (2-5歲寶貝班) Long Waiting List
  • SATURDAY 11:30-12:15AM (0-2.5歲寶寶班) Long Waiting List


TUITION:$264 (12 Classes, 12堂課)

  • Includes: 3 units of digital Home Materials, Tuition, and Access to Kindermusik digital downloads to your device of your choice. 學費已包含3期數位教材費用

  • For family registering 2 children in the same class: $60 Family Discount/Material fee will be deducted from 2 nd  child.報名2位以上的家庭,第2位可減免$60 折扣/教材費.


  • If you plan to bring your infant child 3 months or younger to the classroom as well, please call ahead so we can accommodate. Please keep your infants in car seats while you and his/her sibling attend the class. 如須帶著三個月以下的寶寶請先通知老師, 並請將寶寶安全的放置在安全座椅內.
  • Siblings older than 3 months are subject to an additional fee. 3個月以上的兄弟姐妹則需另外收費

TO CONTINUE THE CLASS after each unit:

  • Make sure you register and pay a month in advance before unit ends, so Miss Lina can reserve your spot for your child. 如要繼續課程請提告知老師,才能保留名額.